Editorial Policy 

Since our inception in 2016, UP Venture Media has made a name for itself as a source of reliable, trustworthy content that seeks to represent an unbiased view that is inclusive of all types, genders, and races of people. 

It is our due diligence as reporters to only present content to our readers that is factually based researched with integrity. 

The readers of UP Venture content come from a variety of backgrounds and we do our best to present content that is as diverse. To achieve this UP Venture actively seeks to work with writers, journalists, and editors that represent a breadth of ages, sexual orientation, genders, and upbringings. 

Ethos, Diversity, Inclusion

Factual content that is consistent and ethically produced is our highest priority. Our process involves writers, editors, fact-checkers, graphic designers, and industry professionals vetting every article we produce. 

As a commitment to diversity and inclusion UP Venture Media makes a conscious decision to promote gender, generational, cultural, and functional diversity by working with teams as diverse as our consumers. 

Fact-Checking & Information Sourcing

UP Venture Media has a team devoted to investigating claims made in all articles as well as data presented. We rigorously review content to make sure that context is provided with any claims made. 

Information sourcing needs to begging with reputable sources, these are often government resources, scholastic journals, academic institutions, and first-hand accounts. 

We don’t use any anonymous sourcing as we don’t want to regrade the trust of our readers.